Waste Management


Општина Аеродром објавува повик за доделување мали грантови за граѓанските организации на тема „Зајакнување на заедниците за одржливо управување со отпад од пакување“. Целта на повикот е да се променат навиките на локалното население за селектирање отпад од пакувања во своите домаќинства и да се научат на правилна селекција на отпадот, пред сè, пластика и…

Call for experts

Call for experts

General Information Omnium Coaching & Training is a coaching & training company active since 2009 which supports organizations and individuals in enhancing their performances. We utilize training and mentorship for skills development and coaching for helping people apply these skills in practice. USAID Project “Social Impact Investments in Communities” Omnium Coaching & Training is implementing,…

Scope of Work (SoW): “Expert service offer – Social Impact Investment Matrix”

Scope of Work (SoW): “Expert service offer – Social Impact Investment Matrix”

Date of Request for Bids from Vendor/Expert: April 26th 2022 Purpose: The consultancy/expert (Expert) will produce a social impact investment matrix (SIIM) with an impact on the local population in the 4 target municipalities. Place of Performance: Municipalities of Saraj, Zhelino, Tearce and Brvenica Provider(s): Invited legal & physical entities as part of the roster…

Scope of Work (SoW): “Expert service offer – HICD coaching”

Scope of Work (SoW): “Expert service offer – HICD coaching”

Date of Request for Bids from Vendor/Expert: April 11th 2022 Purpose: The training/coaching provider/expert (Vendor) will provide human and institutional capacity development (HICD) of our SIIC program’s in-house and engaged personnel (approximately 8 people) and local community partners. Place of Performance: Municipality of Saraj, Skopje, North Macedonia with possible visits to municipalities of Zhelino, Tearce…

Call for Experts

Call for Experts

General Information Omnium Coaching & Training is a coaching & training company active since 2009 which supports organizations and individuals in enhancing their performances. We utilize training and mentorship for skills development and coaching for helping people apply these skills in practice. USAID Project “Social Impact Investments in Communities” Omnium Coaching & Training is implementing,…